Welcome to my world


Thursday, November 25, 2010

jeg deltager...

... i konkurrencen om en Wheely Bug med 2 lodder (?) på bloggen itsfashionbaby, jeg har trykket synes godt om på FB og jeg skriver her på min blog :)

Link: http://www.itsfashionbaby.dk/2010/11/konkurrence-vind-en-wheely-bug/

Im in this competition to win a Wheely Bug.

It is the cutest thing and would love for my Oscair to have one..

Monday, November 15, 2010

Hiho hiho

It's off to work we go...

Bah, Hate mondays. And I especially hate freezing cold mondays!!! Oh well.. Wrap up, I say!!

See yers later..

Sunday, November 14, 2010


It's cold out there...

it's absolutely freezing outside today. So I must get my wintercoat down from the attic and put on my UGG boots.. I was so lucky to find a website (And I can't find it again that had them on sale for a very good prize. And on Trendsales.dk I found a barely used pair so now I have two pairs.. Brilliant.. Keep my feet nice and warm.

Think I have to get myself a new wintercoat this year. Sick of my other one that i bought two years ago. It's still nice and all, but you know.. Want a new one.. ;o) So guess my Roxy Skiing Coat will be put on Trendsales soon.

Just had my sister in law's boyfriend put air in one of the tires on the Phil&Ted buggy. It looses air all the time! So annoying... So have to get that fixed I suppose.. And the wheel on my beautiful Silvercross pram is bust as well... What am I like..!? Hope the tires on the car doesn't start as well now!!!!!?

Ok enough from me, Little man is sleeping on the couch so better get things done around the fouse while I can. I could do with a small nap too, but sure.. Too mych to do..

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Long time

No see...

I have been away from this blog for so long.. Don't know if I should continue or what.. Can't see the purpose for it anymore. But sure, will keep going for another bit and then we'll see.

Oscair is now almpst 9 months old. Amazing how time flies.. he is great. Sitting and is ready to take off crawling anytime soon. He is roling poling all over the floor now so we better start baby proofing the whole house now soon.. He'll be in everything!! Oh God.. But it's so good and rewarding to see him grow up. Four teeth is out now as well. No babylook on his face anymore. A little boys look on him now.. ;o)

It's november now and we're getting so close to Christmas... Our first christmas as parents and Oscair very first christmas ever!! Exciting. We got him a little "Tiny Tikes" police car that he can sit into and be pushed around in and when he is bigger the bottom can be taken out and he can Fred Flintstone himself around... brilliant. He actually got it 1½ month ago as the weather was still really good and I knew that we could use it then.. Then we got him a beautiful wooden rocking horse. There was a polish fella selling all these beautiful wooden toys in the chopping centre in Dungarvan and when I saw the rocking horse I just fell in love with it. And back home with me it went. Sitting in his room, waiting for christmas to come so he can try it out.. Sure he doesn't know what it al is now... We'll be sure to get him other little bits and pieces as well... He needs more clothes as he is growing mad. He is now 9 months old almost and is soon no longer in the size 9-12 months clothes!!

It's småhjerter.dk 's birthday and they have great discounts and stuff on all sort of brands. I will be sure to buy bits and pieces from there. Beautiful stuff they have. Go have a look, guys...
I love Danefæ, Bifrost, Småfolk, Katvig.. and well all of them.. A bit expencive, but so worth it. Very good quality of clothes, shoes and other items..

Ok, enough about me at the moment.. Will be sure to come back again soon with more updates of my life in Ireland..

Photos enclosed are of my beautiful Oscair. It was halloween not too long ago and he was a Bumblebee and a lion... ;o) And on the third one ye'll see his choppers.. ;o)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Oscair Playing

Just caught a bit off my son playing a litte on his play-mat.. He is getting so eager to grab things now.. Just wanted to share it with ye..

A sailors wife

My man left me and our son on monday to go back to sea. He is in the Irish Navy, and it was time for him to go back out.. Unfortunately!! But thank God my Parents arrived on wednesday (02.06.10) to see their grandson again. They haven't seen him since he was born, and he is 3½ months old now!! And has gotten so big!! And that makes it a lot easier to be a sailors "wife"...

Saturday night (29.05.10) I went to the movies to see SATC!! Loved it!! Keep forgetting to take photos of my outfits.. Have to get better at that..

Friday (04.06.10) I went to the Club in Lismore with the girls from work to see a male strip show.. (Chippendales Wannabe's) "The Chain Gang"!!! 4 Boys in their early 20's, one from Ireland, One from Spain, One from USA, and one from ??? I'd say most of them were English, except for the Irish fella.. But oh my God, some laughing out of us girls.. The boys took off EVERYTHING... I mean, in a Catholic country, we never thought that would happen, but OH YES!! Doing "the helicopter" and all.. Our mouths stood open from start to finish from the shock!!! ha ha ha But a great laugh.. Got a drink called: "Sex in Pauls bedroom"... Yummy!!
Was wearing a new Maxi-dress, bought for the event... Again, forgot to take photos, so I owe you... ;o)
My parents were babysitting!! Great.. More drinks for Miss Dahl!! ;o)

Other than that, my parents and I are just enjoying the lovely weather. More sun than rain at the moment, so that's rare, but great for Ireland!! ;o) Gives a great boost of energy, so it does..

Friday, May 28, 2010

Loads of Danes..

Actually found out that there are a lot of Danes living in my area!!! Inge (who came to visit me yeaterday) told me about them all, and we're going to arrange a Danish night on the 24th of June. It's a special day in Denmark called Skt. Hans where we have a big fire and burn a witch.. What we say is that we send the witch to Bloksberg where all the witches will meet.. !? Ya, sounds funny but sure.. ;o) So Am really looking forward to meeting all the danes.. My childhood friend (who is like my brother) is coming over that date too, so it'll be great fun..

Brrrrr.. It's cold in here...

It's getting colder and I had to wear my grey boots again. Wearing a top bought in Spain which I just love to death. Love the colours and the shape. And ofcourse my skinny jeans from New Look. Jewelery: Small necklace wich I got for my birthday last year from my boyfriend. It's 3 hearts, Two gold ones and one Silver. I was pregnant with our son at that time and he thought of me, him and the baby when he saw it.. That is romantic!!! (Even though he says that he isn't romantic at all, he springs something like this on me..) Still waiting for that diamant ring, ye know!!! ;o)
Long necklace is my new beautiful Pilgrim Heart. It's a locket as well and I put in two photos.. I did a great swap on TS... Love that heart.. It's gold/white and has small gold dots on it..

So, it's almost time for me to be on my own for two weeks. From monday morning my man is going back out to sea.. He has been on land since our son was born, so now it's time for him to go back! Going to be harder being a sailors "wife" now that the little monkey is here. Think it'll do me good to start work (2nd of Aug.) Just to take my mind off him being away.. Luckily my parent are coming over on wednesday for two weeks, so this time wont be as hard.. It'll ease my way into the whole thing.. But am not looking forward to it at all.. Will miss him a lot!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Long time no see

I haven't been here for a good few days now.. The weather has been absolutely beautiful the last 4 days. Really hot and I have been outside all day with the little one, so not too much time for Blogging.. But now the wind has come back and it's a little colder out today so here I am again.. (check out the summerbaby in his little summerhat... ;o)
Have been wearing only skirts, tops and balarinas so was so sad today as i had to wear pants and long sleeved tops again.. Oh well..

Going to Denmark for 3½ weeks in July.. Just booked the tickets yesterday. My brilliant mother is coming over on the 7th to help me travel home with the baby on the 8th.. Isn't that Great??? My boyfriend is coming over from the 26th and going home with the two of us on the 30th. Which just reminded me to find a dog-minder!!!
Oh I can't wait.. And hopefully the weather will be great too!! I should be lucky to get a bit of the Danish summer... (knock on wood)

So today I was out on my usual walks with the baby and the dog, and a car stops and out comes a danish woman.. (I knew she lives here, but haven't met her until now. 2 years later) So funny speaking danish with someone here.. She is coming over for a cuppa tomorrow, so that's "hyggeligt"..

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Now the summer has come.. At least just for today, anyway.. My God it's warm out... Just had my son and dog around the blok for a walk and the baby is now sleeping outside in the Buggy. So a quiet moment for me to do my internetting, washing, and so on..

Am wearing over my skinny jeans from New Look, ireland a new top from Dunnes, Ireland. Blue and white stipes and with a big shiny anchor on the front. Love it. And under a long top whe 3/4 sleeves from Penny's, Ireland. I'm not a slave for expensive clothing and won't normally spend too much on my things, and we are so lucky that we in Ireland has these great shops with a great selection of clothes (and other things) for a cheap amount of money.. I love it..
But I must say that I do have a few things from Munthe Plus Simonsen (A Danish brand), and I can never get enough of wearing them, but as the time has passed so has my size 8 figure, and I cannot get into them any more. So They are now for sale (or for trade) on Trendsales.

Forgot to write about our newest edetion... THE DISHWASHER!!! It has now taken me about 2½ years to convince my boyfriend that we need one, and finally he agreed!! Love love love it.. ;o)

Am now looking for childminders in my erea for the little one, as I will be starting work 2nd of Aug. Actually looking farward to starting work again.. IF I can find someone to mind the monster.. ;o)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Oh summer..

Ah well for one day we had about 20 degrees, and it was lovely.. The sun was hiding behind the clouds most of the day but the shoppingtrip to Waterford was brilliant as the sun decided to pop out!!
Was wearing maybe a bit too much clothes, but hey, I looked good, so I thought.. ;o)

Still looking for the boots, but I dont really know what I want.. So am still looking around..

I put a few things for sale on Trendsales, so hopefully I'll get rid of it soon.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Going hunting..

I need some new shoes/boots.. Well, My boyfriend would say that I don't need anymore, but I really do.. Was again looking at my cousins cool Converse and then her fantastic DIY on a pair of boxer boots and I need some too!!! Will have to go shoe/boots hunting on Trendsales soon I think. Even tho we're heading towards summer, we can't really trust the Irish summer... (Great excuse for going shopping.. Any excuse would do..)

Today I'm going for lunch with my friend and collegue (same person with the two titles) and the weather is looking good. The sun is trying to peek out from the clouds.. My boyfriend is sich with a very sore throat and a nasty cough, and I tried to convince him that he should stay at home today, but no.. He actually wanted to go to work!! Freak!! ;o)

I forgot to tell ye about my great D&G bargain. I have had my eyes on the model "Music" for a good while now, and I saw the prizes drop more and more ind the shop. It started on more than 400 Euro, went down to 300 then down to 189 euro, so off I went to Ebay and got the watch for 110 Euro!!! GREAT!! (I'm wearing it on my photos below).. I Love Ebay...

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Just had my beautiful cousin over from Denmark for a week and we went shopping.. as always.. I got this nice leather jacket.. Only 100 Euro.. That's a bargain.. My cousin got some great things too.. She has some sense for fashion that girl, so when I saw this dress i got it to wear over tight jeans.. I love it..

Friday, May 14, 2010

Chatting Baby

How wonderful it is to see my baby growing. When he looks at me now, I know that he really is looking at me. He is chatting away more and more and trying to form words which come out like: Arrroooo... Abbooooo... Oh how it melts my heart. And the smiles!!! <3 <3 <3

He is now 12 weeks old today. Time flies.. and I'm enjoying every moment of it.

I have 2½ more months left of my maternity leave, and I'm definately not looking forward to starting work again.. Not yet, but i might change my mind when I get closer.. My man is starting his sea patroles soon, and that doesn't suit me at all, but starting work might take my mind of that a bit. I hope...

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Hello to all..

This is all new to me, and I don't know yet what I want this to be, why and for whom.

I will try and put on photos and videos from my life in Ireland and share them with the people who would be interested in it.

Looking forward to seeing what this can become..