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Thursday, November 25, 2010

jeg deltager...

... i konkurrencen om en Wheely Bug med 2 lodder (?) på bloggen itsfashionbaby, jeg har trykket synes godt om på FB og jeg skriver her på min blog :)

Link: http://www.itsfashionbaby.dk/2010/11/konkurrence-vind-en-wheely-bug/

Im in this competition to win a Wheely Bug.

It is the cutest thing and would love for my Oscair to have one..

Monday, November 15, 2010

Hiho hiho

It's off to work we go...

Bah, Hate mondays. And I especially hate freezing cold mondays!!! Oh well.. Wrap up, I say!!

See yers later..

Sunday, November 14, 2010


It's cold out there...

it's absolutely freezing outside today. So I must get my wintercoat down from the attic and put on my UGG boots.. I was so lucky to find a website (And I can't find it again that had them on sale for a very good prize. And on Trendsales.dk I found a barely used pair so now I have two pairs.. Brilliant.. Keep my feet nice and warm.

Think I have to get myself a new wintercoat this year. Sick of my other one that i bought two years ago. It's still nice and all, but you know.. Want a new one.. ;o) So guess my Roxy Skiing Coat will be put on Trendsales soon.

Just had my sister in law's boyfriend put air in one of the tires on the Phil&Ted buggy. It looses air all the time! So annoying... So have to get that fixed I suppose.. And the wheel on my beautiful Silvercross pram is bust as well... What am I like..!? Hope the tires on the car doesn't start as well now!!!!!?

Ok enough from me, Little man is sleeping on the couch so better get things done around the fouse while I can. I could do with a small nap too, but sure.. Too mych to do..

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Long time

No see...

I have been away from this blog for so long.. Don't know if I should continue or what.. Can't see the purpose for it anymore. But sure, will keep going for another bit and then we'll see.

Oscair is now almpst 9 months old. Amazing how time flies.. he is great. Sitting and is ready to take off crawling anytime soon. He is roling poling all over the floor now so we better start baby proofing the whole house now soon.. He'll be in everything!! Oh God.. But it's so good and rewarding to see him grow up. Four teeth is out now as well. No babylook on his face anymore. A little boys look on him now.. ;o)

It's november now and we're getting so close to Christmas... Our first christmas as parents and Oscair very first christmas ever!! Exciting. We got him a little "Tiny Tikes" police car that he can sit into and be pushed around in and when he is bigger the bottom can be taken out and he can Fred Flintstone himself around... brilliant. He actually got it 1½ month ago as the weather was still really good and I knew that we could use it then.. Then we got him a beautiful wooden rocking horse. There was a polish fella selling all these beautiful wooden toys in the chopping centre in Dungarvan and when I saw the rocking horse I just fell in love with it. And back home with me it went. Sitting in his room, waiting for christmas to come so he can try it out.. Sure he doesn't know what it al is now... We'll be sure to get him other little bits and pieces as well... He needs more clothes as he is growing mad. He is now 9 months old almost and is soon no longer in the size 9-12 months clothes!!

It's småhjerter.dk 's birthday and they have great discounts and stuff on all sort of brands. I will be sure to buy bits and pieces from there. Beautiful stuff they have. Go have a look, guys...
I love Danefæ, Bifrost, Småfolk, Katvig.. and well all of them.. A bit expencive, but so worth it. Very good quality of clothes, shoes and other items..

Ok, enough about me at the moment.. Will be sure to come back again soon with more updates of my life in Ireland..

Photos enclosed are of my beautiful Oscair. It was halloween not too long ago and he was a Bumblebee and a lion... ;o) And on the third one ye'll see his choppers.. ;o)